

夏季时间:2024年5月13日- 7月26日 星期一至四上午八时至下午四时三十分,星期五上午八时至下午十二时


Federal financial aid regulations assume that the family has primary responsibility for meeting the educational costs of students. 然而, 根据高等教育法,该学院被赋予了权力, 第479条(一), 在发放助学金时作出调整. This professional judgement is used on a case-by-case basis and within the limits of the conditions financial aid administrators can consider. Financial aid administrators are also able to make unaccompanied homeless youth determinations when documentation cannot be provided from another source. Our office must obtain and retain in the student’s file documents supporting and substantiating the reasons for any adjustment or determination.

Listed below are the appeal options and the circumstances of eligibility for each type of appeal or determination. 了解更多信息, 讨论你的处境, 并获得协助填写适当的表格和/或获取文件, 请安排预约(如下)或联系财政援助办公室. 根据您的情况,我们将要求您提供额外的信息和文件.

当我们收到异常情况标记的FAFSA时(依赖状态), 靠谱买球app推荐会通过电子邮件通知学生下一步的步骤. 学生不需要等到这封电子邮件来靠谱买球app推荐讨论一个独特的情况. 但是,在FAFSA存档之前,我们无法处理任何文件. 一旦FAFSA存档并收到所有必要的文件, we will process the appeal within 2 weeks and notify the student of the result via Hawkeye email.


The 家庭供款呼吁 is for students and their families who have completed a FAFSA and have experienced a reduction in resources which affect your family's ability to contribute toward your educational expenses. 例如, someone in your family may have lost income due to something outside of their control or have medical expenses from an unexpected, 保险不承保的非经常性事故. The goal is that your 家庭供款呼吁 would reduce your Expected Family Contribution (EFC) (2023–24 FAFSA) or 学生 Aid Index (SAI) (2024–25 FAFSA) and increase your financial aid eligibility.

You must complete the FAFSA (according to the directions outlined on the FAFSA) before you can apply for a 家庭供款呼吁.


财政援助办公室知道某些项目是收费的, 书, or equipment costs that exceed what is already included in the average cost of attendance for students. It is also understood that certain programs require that students take more credit hours than what is in the budget on the average cost of attendance or that situations may change during the school year. These additional program costs may affect a family’s ability to contribute to the student’s educational costs. 财政援助办公室在发放财政援助时可能会考虑这些不寻常的费用. The 金融援助 office does internally take these costs into consideration before reducing aid.

The purchase or rental of a personal computer can be included in a student's budget when documentation is provided to the 金融援助 Office. 但是,它并不保证提供额外的财政援助.

A 学费申诉 would only be considered if the adjustment would allow for additional aid that previously could not be awarded.


根据经济援助的定义,如果你被认为是一个受抚养的学生, your aid eligibility is determined by using parent income and asset information in addition to your income and asset information. Dependent students are required by law to provide parental information and signatures in order to be considered for federal and state financial aid. The 金融援助 office may consider a Dependency Override Appeal when there are exceptional circumstances/dysfunctional parent relationships that would allow students to be considered independent for financial aid processing purposes. Dysfunctional relationships are circumstances where it is thoroughly documented and clearly understood that the student should not have contact with the parent(s) due to abuse, 家庭暴力, 放弃, 或者另一种极端情况.


  • 父母拒绝为学生的教育出资.
  • 家长不愿意提供有关FAFSA或其他文件的信息.
  • 家长没有申报学生为受抚养人以缴纳所得税.
  • 完全自给自足的学生(不与父母同住).

If your parent(s) are unable or unwilling to provide income and asset information and/or signature(s) on the FAFSA, the 金融援助 office may consider circumstances that would allow students to be awarded financial aid without the admission of parental information. 这种上诉被称为家长拒绝. 由于您的父母拒绝提交家长信息, you will not be eligible to receive any federal or most state grants that you may have otherwise been awarded and will only be eligible to receive Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loans which accrue interest while enrolled in school.

看到学生Aid.gov如果我有特殊情况,不能提供父母信息,我该怎么办? 了解更多信息.


If a student cannot answer "yes" to the FAFSA dependency status questions indicating the student is homeless or at risk of being homeless (and has not had a determination made by a high school, 学区无家可归者联络员, 紧急避难所或过渡性住房项目的负责人, 或者是离家出走或无家可归的青少年基本中心或过渡生活计划的主任), 财政援助办公室可以做出决定. The determination may be based on a documented interview with the student if there is no written documentation available. 如果你正在经历无家可归,请在下面安排预约.

The living arrangements of a student must demonstrate that he or she meets the definition of an unaccompanied youth who is self-supporting and at risk of homelessness. 任何未满24岁的学生都有资格参加无家可归青年的判定. A student living in any of the below defined situations and fleeing an abusive parent may be considered homeless even if the parent would provide support and a place to live.

如果一个学生没有固定的、正常的、适当的住房,他就被认为是无家可归的. 这不仅仅是“露宿街头”." It includes living with other people temporarily because the student had nowhere else to go; in substandard housing (if it doesn't meet local building codes or the utilities are turned off, it is generally not adequate); in emergency or transitional shelters, 例如, trailers provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency after disasters; in motels, 露营地, 汽车, 公园, 废弃的建筑物里, 汽车站或火车站, or any public or private place not designed for humans to live in; and in the school dormitory if the student would otherwise be homeless.


  • 无家可归的:有无家可归危险的: 当学生的住房可能不再是固定的、正常的和充足的. 例如, 一个被驱逐的学生,一直无法找到固定, 常规的, 以及充足的住房.

  • 无家可归的人: 缺乏固定的、正常的和适当的住房的.

  • 自营: 当学生支付他或她自己的生活费用, 包括固定, 常规的, 以及充足的住房.

  • 无人陪伴的: 学生不在父母或监护人的监护下生活.


  • 固定的住房: 静止的,永久的,不会改变的.

  • 普通住宅: 固定的:在可预测的、常规的或一致的基础上使用的.

  • 足够的住房: 足以满足通常在家里满足的生理和心理需求.






通过Google Hangouts与财务援助代表会面,讨论你的上诉情况.


你对你的助学金中止有什么疑问吗? 访问财政援助暂停上诉 学习申请暂停经济资助的步骤.



靠谱买球app推荐中心 118
800-670-4769 ext.4020

正常工作时间- 2024年夏季

2024年5月13日- 7月26日
星期一至星期四 上午8时至下午4时30分
星期五 上午8时至下午12时

如果校园关闭,财政援助办公室也会关闭. 这包括与天气有关的关闭. 参见预定的大学关闭.

正常工作时间- 2024年秋季

2024年7月29日- 12月20日
星期一至星期五 上午8时至下午4时30分

